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Gravity Conveyor Roller

Automation and Control supply Damon’s range of high-quality non-powdered Gravity Conveyor Rollers.

1800 Gravity Roller Conveyor

Gravity conveyors are the most efficient and effective way to transport goods. Rollers are non-powered, and convey goods by gravity or human force. Conveyors are typically arranged horizontally or declined.

1800 Series Gravity Conveyor Roller


  • The precision ball bearing is secured in the steel stamped bearing housing. The bearing is tight and durable. Able to withstand greater axial forces than a plastic bearing unit.
  • The environmental working conditions are broad. They can be used in both high and low temperature applications.
  • Complete range of tube diameters available. High load capacity. Anti-static design.
  • Temperature range: -20oC ~ +80oC.

1900 Series Light Duty Conveyor Roller


  • Very light, smooth running. Suitable for light duty conveying.
  • Utilizes polymer ball bearings. The inner/outer flange of the bearing is made of POM. The ball is made of stainless steel.
  • PVC tube with good chemical stability.
  • Higher noise levels compared with other series rollers.
  • Temperature range: -5oC ~ +40oC.

1200 Series Universal Conveyor Roller


  • It is widely used and the most popular product in the gravity roller series. It is commonly used in carton conveying applications.
  • The bearing end cap consists of a precision ball bearing, a polymer housing and end cap seal. Combined they provide an attractive, smooth and quite running roller.
  • The design of the end cap protects the bearings by providing excellent resistance to dust and splashed water.
  • Can be configured with different bearings according to the application. Meets the requirements for light gravity chutes.
  • Suitable for high speed applications. Maximum speed varies with roller length and diameter. Maximum speed up to 120m/min.
  • Anti-static configuration available.
  • Temperature range: -5oC ~ +40oC.

1100 Series Light / Medium Duty Conveyor Roller


  • Fitted with specially designed semi-precision bearings, this roller is light and runs smoothly.
  • The ball bearing tolerance is greater than a precision ball bearing. These rollers have the ability to withstand higher impact loads than other series rollers.
  • The environmental working conditions are broad. They can be used in both high and low temperature applications.
  • Anti-static design.
  • Slightly higher noise levels compared with precision ball bearings.
  • Cannot be used as belt conveyor idlers and friction belt conveyor.
  • Temperature range: -20oC ~ +80oC.

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